If your dog is expected to need surgery or is recovering from a recent procedure, you may have a few questions. Here, our vets in East Setauket discuss what happens if your dog needs surgery, what to expect during and after the procedure and how to care for them during recovery.

Common Dog Surgery Types

There are two categories of surgical procedures for your dog: elective and obligatory. It's crucial for you to grasp the reasons behind a recommended procedure and make well-informed decisions about your dog's health.

Some of the most common elective dog surgeries include:

  • Spay
  • Neuter
  • Dental extractions
  • Benign growths of the skin

Likewise, some of the more urgent care surgeries for dogs include:

  • Skin lacerations or abscesses
  • Intestinal obstruction from a foreign body
  • Internal bleeding
  • Torn cruciate or ACL ruptures
  • Fracture repair
  • Malignant skin tumors
  • Bladder stones/urethral blockages
  • Spleen cancer

Emergency surgical intervention may sometimes be needed to save a pet's life. While this can be stressful, it's essential to highlight that advancements in veterinary care encompass all modern considerations, significantly minimizing the chances of your dog facing severe consequences from most surgeries.

Preparing Your Dog for Surgery

The veterinarian will examine your dog to confirm their health and readiness for surgery. If your pet is overweight, the vet may recommend a weight-loss regimen, as excess weight increases the risks of general anesthesia and may hinder post-surgery mobility.

Prepare your pet for surgery by bathing or grooming them in the week leading up to the procedure. Keep the incision dry during the healing process, preventing grooming for a specified period afterward. Your veterinarian may order radiographs, ultrasounds or other diagnostic tests.

Arrange transportation in advance, considering the type of surgery and your pet's expected mobility post-procedure. If unsure about transportation, consult your veterinarian. If crate rest is necessary, have an appropriately sized crate ready upon your pet's return.

Should dogs eat before surgery? Can a dog have water before surgery? These are some questions we are often asked. Typically, you'll be instructed not to feed or give water to your pet after midnight the night before surgery. Consult your veterinarian regarding medication administration. Some vets may request overnight stays at the veterinary hospital.

Ensure the reception staff has your correct phone number for updates during your pet's care. Arrive on time, stay calm during drop-off, and follow any additional testing recommendations from your veterinarian to minimize anesthetic risks for your pet.

How to Manage Your Dog's Care After Surgery

Knowing how to care for your dog after it settles in is crucial for a swift return to its routine. Adhering to vet instructions is essential for a safe and successful recovery. If any steps are unclear, please seek clarification. Depending on the procedure, a professional veterinary surgeon may be recommended, or the surgery may occur in-house.

After surgery, your dog might temporarily lose its appetite. Instead, offer a half-size portion of a light meal, such as chicken or rice. Expect your dog's appetite to bounce back within 24 hours post-operation. Contact your veterinarian if your dog hasn't eaten in over 48 hours after surgery.

Your veterinarian might prescribe pain relievers or medications for your dog to alleviate post-surgery discomfort or pain. Carefully follow these instructions to prevent unnecessary pain during the recovery period. Never administer human medications to your dog without consulting your veterinarian; while these medications help humans, they can harm our canine companions.

Most vets advise restricting your dog's movements, as excessive stretching or jumping may impede recovery and cause incisions to reopen. Keep your dog indoors for a few days, allowing outdoor breaks only for bathroom purposes.

If direct supervision is challenging, preventing your dog from climbing stairs or jumping on furniture may be difficult. In the case of orthopedic surgery recovery, confine your dog to a laundry-sized or smaller pen, gradually increasing exercise as the recovery progresses.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet to accurately diagnose your pet's condition.

If your dog is scheduled to have or is recovering from surgery and you have any concerns, contact our Setauket Animal Hospital vets today.