Why is my Cat Breathing Heavy & What Can I Do

Why is my Cat Breathing Heavy & What Can I Do

Day after day your cat goes about their business, nothing unusual to note until one day, they walk by panting. This can be concerning and lead you to wonder 'Why is my cat breathing heavy?'. Our East Setauket vets offer some insight into cats breathing heavy and what you should do when it happens.

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Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It And Is It Safe?

Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It And Is It Safe?

You are walking along with your dog enjoying the sunshine when it happens. They find a nice patch of green grass and start chomping away. While this can be quite common, is it actually safe for our furry friends? Our East Setauket vets talk about why dogs eat grass and if it is actually safe for them to do so.

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Rabies in Cats

Rabies in Cats

The rabies virus is easily spread from one pet to the next. For unvaccinated pets, this common virus could mean the difference between life and death. Today, our East Setauket vets talk about the dangers of rabies for cats and how you can help protect your feline friend.

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Hookworm in Dogs: Signs, Treatment & Prevention

Hookworm in Dogs: Signs, Treatment & Prevention

While hookworms can make healthy adult dogs feel intense discomfort, they can be fatal to puppies who are too young for preventive care. Here, our vets in East Setauket discuss the effects of a hookworm infestation in dogs and how you can help protect your pup.

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Ear Mites in Cats

Ear Mites in Cats

Ear mites commonly affect dogs and cats of all ages and breeds. They are extremely contagious yet fairly easy to treat. Here, our East Setauket vets share the symptoms, causes and treatment options for ear mites in cats.

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Parainfluenza in Dogs

Parainfluenza in Dogs

Dog influenza (canine parainfluenza virus) is a highly contagious virus that is commonly spread among dogs in social or confined areas. Today, our East Setauket vets share the typical symptoms of parainfluenza in dogs, the causes and what you can do to protect your pup.

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Dog Parvovirus

Dog Parvovirus

Parvovirus is an extremely contagious virus that spreads between dogs in social environments. This virus can also be particularly concerning for puppies who have not yet been vaccinated. Today, our East Setauket vets share some information about what parvovirus is and what you can do to help protect your dog.

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Blood in Dog's Stool: Is It an Emergency?

Blood in Dog's Stool: Is It an Emergency?

Any dog owner knows that we spend a lot of time picking up their poop, which means that we get a good look at one of the easiest ways to tell if something isn't right with our furry friends. Our East Setauket emergency vets talk about what to do if you see blood in your dog's stool and what that blood could mean.

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Rabies in Dogs

Rabies in Dogs

Rabies is a serious and fatal disease that can infect all mammals, including our domestic pets. Here, our East Setauket vets discuss rabies in dogs, its symptoms, and the vaccine that prevents it.

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Is Your Dog Overweight? Signs, Symptoms & What to Do

Is Your Dog Overweight? Signs, Symptoms & What to Do

While a little extra weight on our canine companions may seem harmless, it can actually lead to a number of concerning health conditions. Today, our vets at Setauket Animal Hospital in East Setauket share some of the signs that your dog is overweight and what you can do to help get back to a healthy size. 

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